So Long!

And thanks for all the fish

Credits to certain members on the discord, and thanks for their input and suggestions to make this possible

@Eternal - First suggestion for update to the tools, thanks and hope it helped.

@MrDKOz - I think everyone is thankful for your Notion site

@tyleroconnor123 - All round top bloke and always helpful on the Discord.

@JustTooPlus - Number of suggestions for tool improvements.

@sneugelstroof - Great search skills and input on the site.

@Bruce_1 - Another great helper on the journey.

@SirSourthwest - Kept us on track and awesome contributor.

@Sherlock221b - Voice of reason, logical and top contributor.

@HaggisWithKetchup - Taught me some things, epic knowledge!

@absender - For revealing the site in the discord.

@George - Top mod, as always 😉.

Shaun Whitehead - Sorry if you got any spam, thanks for the hunt, if you hand in it, think we all learnt a lot from you.